How can I use a bike cages and bike lockers?

Do I get a ticket if my electric vehicle finishes charging before I am able to return to it and within the posted time limit?

Can you use a 4 hour maximum EV charging station for 2 hours, leave and come back to the same or a different EV charging station for 2 more hours for a total of 4 within the same day?

Why the EV charging stations across campus have signs limiting how much time a vehicle can use them per day?

Where does my Emeritus/25 Years Club Permit enable me to park?

I have an Emeritus/25 Years Club Parking Permit. How do I access and manage my UBC Parking account?

How do I get my 25 Years Club Retired Parking Permit?

How long is the Emeritus Parking Permit valid for?

How do I get my Emeritus Parking Permit?

Why I can no longer purchase a parking permit for all the 5 parkades?