For students living on campus, there are a few reasons why you're better off not purchasing a long-term parking permit for your car...

Depending how often you drive, it's not worth the price. UBC students who live on campus with a car on campus use it less and less over time, (everything you need is within walking distance, after all!) with these vehicles being unused for weeks at a time. Read more

There are more affordable options. Excellent transportation options (from transit to car share programs) exist and we encourage use of these rather than bringing your own vehicle to campus. 

You often have to walk far to get your car. Parking on campus for residential students is very limited, which means students often aren't able to get a permit for the parkade nearest to their Residence. Student Resident Permits for North and West parkades are sold out. To see what permits are available to purchase, log into your CWL account: if you do not see your preferred location choice this means it is already sold out.

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